About Me

I’ve been making art for most of my life and at this point it would be impossible to stop or take up knitting or soccer.  It is who I am and it reflects exactly what I’m thinking about at the time.  The work is ever evolving as is my life.  I am surrounded by excitement, emotion and chaos as I have my 3 muses to keep me company most of the time.  They enrich my life, show me what I didn’t see before and point out all that is there in front of me as I trip over it.  They constantly question and challenge everything, push all boundaries in both space and time.  My work was once about me and my history, now my work is about my interpretation of all that surrounds me through very different eyes – eyes that are looking around and ahead at all times – but never back as there is no time or I’ll fall behind.

This blog serves as a journal for my art – a practice that has been growing and that is unfettered by life and its speed bumps and obstacles.  To see my work in it’s most recent entirety, please visit me at www.reneedjohnson.com.